6 Benefits of Refreshing Your Brand and Logo Design

From McDonald’s to Netflix, to Instagram, to Coca-Cola, even the most renowned brands in the world have refreshed their logos from time to time. These, and many other popular and lesser-known brands have undergone brand refreshes.

Sensible marketers realize the need to refresh their logos to keep their brands relevant and better represent the company values. Graphic design trends are in a state of constant change. Colors, fonts, and general principles of art go in and out of fashion. Companies change their vision, move, and merge.

A logo refresh can offer better marketing advantages for companies and brands of all sizes. Take a look at the following 6 major benefits of refreshing your logo design.

benefits of refreshing your brand and logo

1. Revamp your look and feel

As with anything else, without refreshing your logo, your brand might become obsolete. Without a refresh or update, logos can start to look old and become less relevant to consumers.

2. Shift Gears

As your products or services grow, you may notice that your original branding no longer suits your new business model. This signifies that it’s time to consider refreshing your brand and logo.

3. Creating a brand that suits your image

A crucial aspect of an organization or brand is its brand image. If you run a business that offers highly professional products or services, it should feature a completely different look than a business that is laid-back. Having a brand image that doesn’t align with your current business plan can be harmful to the success of your brand.

4. Diversification

Maybe your brand looks and feels a lot like another brand, whether or not they’re in the same line of business as yours. Having a unique brand identity helps your organization stand out from the rest; being too identical to another brand can muddy the waters and undermine the identity of your brand and eventually its success.

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5. Shifting markets

If the market you’re doing business in changes or evolves, you might need to change along with it in order to ensure success and stay relevant among your audience and to the shifting market conditions.

6. Search Engine Optimization

If your brand’s website doesn’t seem to achieve much success in the search engine results, then it possibly won’t be successful in this digital era. Refreshing your logo and website design can have a huge positive impact in the search engine arena.

If your business seems to relate to any of the above reasons, it might be time for a brand update. While a brand refresh may appear overwhelming, we at Smart Resolution are here to help ease your transition process! Give us a call at 1-888-309-5267 today or email us at info@smartresolution.com to see how we can help.