Unconventional Tips to Help you Land your Dream Job

Dream Job / Job Search, Offer And Employment Concept

Statistics show that there are approximately 150 applicants for every job posted. That leaves us all with the burning question: How will I ever land that dream job with so much competition?  It can be a daunting experience to try and rise above the competition. Sometimes unconventional methods can help you see things from a difference perspective. I’ve compiled a few tips to help you on your “dream job” journey.

First things first- Your resume is a bonus, not a necessity:  Of course, a resume is the first thing you need to get you a basic look and to possibly land you the interview, but as the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words”. Show, don’t tell. Create a portfolio that shows your wide range of skills and efforts. It is a very known fact that potential employers will look for your digital fingerprint. Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. Post your portfolio to those sites to allow your employers to get a significant look at what you can offer them.

Money can’t be your only focus: If you earn it, it will come. Once you’ve picked your jaw up off of the floor, think about it.  Be sure to apply for work that is stimulating. Appealing work encourages you to work harder and create results. If your end focus is strictly on title and pay, you will never reach your full potential in any position.

Young business woman working in office interior searching for job online. Attractive female looking for job using web service on laptop. Back view over the shoulder. HR recruitment career concept

Try your hardest to stand out: You are among many others who are trying to be seen and make an impression. Do your research. Find out what makes your resume, and cover letter more unique than the others. Handwritten? Excerpts of quotes from the CEO? Things along those lines will get you somewhere. Always strive for quality over quantity.

Look for the jobs that are not widely known about: Get to know EVERYBODY. Don’t limit your networking to people in the same field or industry that you are in. Broaden your horizons. You would be amazed how much opportunity can open up when you open up. Engaging yourself with all kinds of peoples in various different professions allows you the opportunity to find out about and be recommended for jobs before they are even posted to the general public.

Don’t just perform, promote: Yes, a good employee is just that, good. Companies today are looking for people who can outshine the usual “goodness” of the mediocre employee. Asking for feedback, eagerness to learn new skills, always hungry for more, those are all skills that make you limitlessly attractive to prospective companies.

Follow up This is the most crucial step of the entire process. If you manage to be one of the lucky candidates who gets in to get an interview and to be seen, don’t forget to follow up. Send an email or note to reiterate who you are, why you belong at that company, and how much you enjoyed meeting the recruiters. This little step will take you leaps and bounds above the rest!
